My coding progress
I am working on a number of coding certificates and courses, this page last updated as of this date:
Nov 18, 2022
Current languages: Primarily HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Also playing TIS-100 and Shenzhen I/O though, which are videogames where you have to code in realistic Assembly language.
I had to build a very rudimentary website in high school in 2012 for a media-literacy course, but it was in basic HTML, maybe not even CSS, and I didn't understand web hosting or how to link between pages or anything. I passed but that was my worst skill in the class.
I did better at the photography portion and video editing and stuff.
Anyways, I had tried FreeCodeCamp at one point very briefly, in maybe 2018 but barely did anything. Now I've been going hard on all this stuff. I started going hard starting with FCC, then have also been completing courses on SoloLearn and Udemy and stuff. My FreeCodeCamp progress tracker says I started working on their courses again on Oct 21st, 2022.

FreeCodeCamp progress
About half way through the "Responsive Web Design" course, and almost done the 113-step Basic JavaScript chapter in the "JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures" course. These FreeCodeCamp courses are quite long. There's 9 more JavaScript chapters to go after.

SoloLearn progress
About 95% of way through the JavaScript course.

"Interneting Is Hard" course progress
I highly recommend this site for an HTML and CSS course. It actually explains things, with lots of diagrams and stuff. FreeCodeCamp barely explained much of the HTML and CSS stuff. But yeah, this course is really good. The full name is "Interneting Is Hard (But It Doesn't Have To Be)", link here.
I'm on chapter 9 out of 14.
Udemy courses
I got through video 7 out of 12 in the course "Code Your First Game: Arcade Classic in JavaScript on Canvas". I realized partway through that I didn't know enough JavaScript to really know what I was doing. The course is about 2 hours and 15 minutes long, I completed maybe an hour and 20 minutes. The idea is to make a pong game. I made a pong game where the paddles and points don't work.
Completed courses
None yet.