"/v/'s Recommended Games Wiki" shrine
Site replicas
In an effort to learn HTML and CSS, I've been challenging myself to make convincing lookalikes of existing websites. Since I'm not good at Javascript yet, these are non-interactive imitations. They're coded to have the text and borders and buttons and stuff in the fairly correct position, but nothing will play.
Other ideas I want to try making dioramas of are a YouTube video webpage, a Reddit webpage, maybe even a scrolling Facebook Messenger where it scrolls and has little text bubbles and is tall instead of wide, like a phone.
Some pathetic little projects
Here are some of my very beginner-level things I've made. Some are straight up rip-offs of tutorials or people's code, or are modeled off things I've seen.
- A very basic HTML canvas animation of a car moving from left to right. Refresh on the page if the background doesn't load in, as that means the code is executing while the images haven't downloaded yet. Once it's in browser cache, it will work every time you refresh the page.
- Raining Matrix-style green code on a black background. I didn't write all this JavaScript, but I had to throughly learn how the program works to fix an error it had.
- Choose your door game. This is a straight-up ripoff of a little game made on Jennifer DeWalt's 180 days 180 websites challenge website. But I thoroughly understood it. I try not to copy projects for practice without understanding them.
- A little Pokedex. This is based on the one on the Bulbapedia website, but I coded it from scratch.
- A meme soundboard. Plays sound clips when you hit the buttons.
- A little replication of Chrome dino game. The Google Chrome 404 error game. This is just a tutorial-followalong I did. This replica was thought up and shown as a tutorial by Knife Circus, a guy on YouTube, here.